Sunday, 26 October 2014

Timeshare scam Smiths&Baron, Concept Travel, Horizon international travels HITS

I am trying to get contact of some victims who are affected with this TimeShare companies. I purchased from Smiths&Barons and now find someway to claim my money back and cancel the membership. I recently received call from another company called Elite International Pte Ltd. Another sucker company one the move (I guess)! Asking to pay 3000$ for the cancellation of membership.. WTF! If I am member why i need to pay them to cancellation? And another 3000$ for claim money back! Again WTF, I just paid 5000$ for 7year membership.. and pay this suckers 6k....

I gues whoever read this blog is looking for an option to fight with Smiths&Baron timeshare! And I have read on other blogs about claiming back through CASE or SCT(Small Claim Tribunal). I believe number matters when you go to CASE or SCT.. If I get atleast 5 people we can make a good report and justfy our cases.. Please send me an email( if you have decided to take action for monoey back.

Anyways, i never got any quotation form this company called Concept travels.. and now they dont even answer the call!